3 Keys to Increasing Conversions with First-Time Beauty Buyers

Trust can be established through what is in a product and what is not, highlighting proven patented ingredients or statistics from clinical trials.
Trust can be established through what is in a product and what is not, highlighting proven patented ingredients or statistics from clinical trials.

Converting a sale with a buyer for the first time can be a challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the consumer mindset and the ability to effectively communicate a brand’s value proposition. In today’s market, customers have more options than ever before, and their attention is harder to capture.

I believe it is crucial to establish trust, intrigue and education, or TIE, with potential customers, which will motivate them to purchase from an unfamiliar brand. In this article, I will explore these three key areas of communication. And I will explain how the right combination of TIE incentives can be leveraged to increase conversion rates with first-time buyers.

1. Trust

The first of the TIE incentives, Trust, is a critical component of successful storytelling and marketing. Trust is a binary factor—either a person trusts a brand or they don’t. Without trust, no other marketing efforts will matter, as the customer simply won’t make a purchase.

Trust can be built through a variety of tactics. A brand could showcase endorsements from doctors, celebrities and influencers, or utilize user reviews from real people who are part of the brand’s target audience. Additionally, trust can be established through what is in a product and what is not, highlighting proven patented ingredients or statistics from clinical trials. Brands like Olaplex have effectively established trust by featuring clear and compelling clinical results that prove its products work.

For the full article, check out Global Cosmetic Industry's June 2023 digital magazine

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