Beauty & Aging Part 3: The Menopausal Beauty Opportunity

Older buyers are generally more brand loyal.
Older buyers are generally more brand loyal.

Savvy brands are realizing what American women have always known: she doesn’t stop using and buying beauty just because she reaches a certain age. Au contraire. Older buyers are generally more brand loyal and have more disposable income than their younger counterparts, yet they’re often besieged by bodily changes that can make buying effective products for them difficult, if not impossible.

From celebrity-inspired startups and indies to well-known mainstream brands, creating life stage-appropriate beauty and wellness products for the menopausal woman has become chic. What’s more, it’s good business.

To find out what women want in products during this time in life, The Benchmarking Company (TBC) conducted a 48-question online study in August 2021. TBC surveyed 2,023 American women about their menopausal changes, how they’re seeking relief, which beauty brands are speaking their language by offering products that work for them, and what they want next from your brand.

She’s Got Issues

Seventy-two percent of peri- to post-menopausal women say they sometimes to always experience menopausal issues or symptoms that frustrate them, and they’re not shy about seeking help. Ninety-one percent report being likely or somewhat likely to talk openly about ways to combat symptoms and find targeted products to help, and 88% are encouraged by the fact that there is more social dialogue today about the impact and side effects related to menopause than there was 20 years ago.

For the full article, check out Global Cosmetic Industry's September 2021 digital magazine.

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