Gen M Releases Generation Menopause Report

Over half of career women said perimenopause made them feel invisible.
Over half of career women said perimenopause made them feel invisible.

Gen M has been released its Generation Menopause: The Invisibility Report, a report on the large community of menopausal women, with an estimated 1 billion women expected to be in menopause globally by 2025

Related: State Of Addresses Menopause and Perimenopause

The nationwide research, conducted among 2,010 women aged 35-60 years old, discloses insight and uncovers women’s experiences of menopause.

The report shared that 87% of menopausal women feel overlooked by society, are unable to find the support they need from brands, retailers, employers or even loved ones, while struggling with debilitating physical, emotional and mental symptoms.

The eight out of 10 menopausal women in work, which is the fastest growing demographic in the workforce today, appear to be the most significantly impacted.

More than half of career women (55%) said that perimenopause made them feel invisible. Those whose career was on a high when it began were significantly unprepared (90%), knew almost nothing about it (83%), and were negatively impacted in their relationship with their spouse or partner (85%).

Gen M's research found that society’s stigma around the topic is having a mental and emotional impact on women going through menopause: with 41% feeling lonely, invisible, irrelevant and dispensable. Furthermore, 49% of menopausal women feel anxious, 40% feel unattractive and 40% lack confidence. 

When asked how much those around them knew about the mental and emotional effects of menopause, 75% said their children knew nothing or very little, 67% said their partner knows nothing or very little, and 52% said their employer knows nothing or very little. 

When asked what would be most beneficial for women going through perimenopause and menopause, 94% said society being more open, 93% said friends and family being better informed, 90% said brands working harder to be inclusive and cater to menopausal women, and 88% said workplaces being better set up to support menopausal women.

Heather Jackson, co-founder of Gen M, said “Our research has substantiated what we already thought, that society is letting down women when they need support the most. Evidently, women in their mid-life feel overlooked by society and unable to find the support they need from loved ones, employers or brands, whilst struggling with debilitating but often invisible symptoms.”

Co-founder, Sam Simister, said, “We launched Gen M with an overwhelming belief that women deserve better and that we all have a duty in making this life changing transition that little bit easier. We are not invisible; we are Generation Menopause and through collaborative partnerships, together, we can navigate this.”

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